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About Me
my Portfolio Thanks for your interest, here is a quick story of me and this website.
Renuka Software Developer.I loves to solve programming problems in most efficient ways.
I do my work mainly in Python,HTML,CSS,JavaScript, JAVA. python & HTML,CSS are my stronger section. Besides these I know Web Development, database as well.
This website is basically one of my Web Development project which is built using HTML only. Here one can also find ideas for projects in different languages. Thanks again for reading this, because of people like you, it exists and prospers!

  • Find Opposites

    In this project user defines some set of words and their opposites then write code in python programming language output is first user enter the words if it's true print the opposite of that word, if its false then print, enter the opposite of given input when user enter the opposites of given input, it will store on the user define input.

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  • Covid API

    This project file contain rest api ,in this project user want view which country covid details, just enter country name on countrybox, then click submit button, the output is covid details of inputed country.

    invalid country

  • NAAC Accerditation

    In this project I am using Kaggle NAAC Accreditation Datasets this project is done in jupyter notebook ,I am making changes on NAAC datasets, using pandas data analysis library and also using amazing virtualization library matplotlib for graphical representation of datasets.

    naac naac1

  • Chess Board

    This project file contains the design of Board, and position offsets of the coin, this is simple game first user enter the position of the coin, on the input basis output will show where coin can move

    Just click

  • String Rotation

    In this project user given one string ,user want rotate string on right side click right arrow button or user want rotate the string on left side click left arrow button. i am using HTML5 and CSS3 for web page design JavaScript for rotation of string

    Want To Rotate String Click

  • API Postman

    In this project I am display the covid 19 global deaths and also display the India total death from covid 19. I use Await, is a language feature in JavaScript that allows us to write asynchronous code in a synchronous-looking style. and fetch the URL from Covid19 Api Postman.

    Want to Check Click this
  • Intern at Sathvik SoftTech
    • July,2022 - Present.
    • Working on some mini projects.

  • I have a own youtube channel , the channel name is Easy Python .In this channel i am trying to teaching basic python in easy way
    • August,2022 - Present.
